#acl PaulHowarth:read,write,admin,revert,delete All:read === Wednesday 17th August 2016 === ==== Local Packages ==== * Updated `perl-HTTP-Tiny` to 0.064: . Fixed * Timeout can now be set as a constructor argument again * Avoid loading optional modules from `@INC` path with '`.`' at the end ([[CVE:2016-1238|CVE-2016-1238]]) * Avoid overwriting '`If-Modified-Since`' header in `mirror()` if the header already exists in something other than lower-case * Fixed chunked transfer encoding, which previously omitted a trailing CRLF . Tests * Updated tests for a future perl which may omit '`.`' from the list of directories in `@INC` by default * Normalize CRLF when reading test data files in `t/150-post_form.t` on Win32 * Updated `perl-Module-Build` to 0.4220: * Initialize MM Compat environmental variables to empty strings * Skip PPM test when `link_executable` fails * Make more actions deterministic * Preprocess file lists generated by `rscan_dir()` to sort them * Updated `perl-Devel-Caller` (2.06), `perl-Devel-CheckBin` (0.04), `perl-Devel-CheckCompiler` (0.06) and `perl-Devel-Cycle` (1.12) to build-require `perl-generators` for proper dependency generation ----