#acl PaulHowarth:read,write,admin,revert,delete All:read === Friday 19th August 2016 === ==== Fedora Project ==== * Updated `perl-Sub-Name` to 0.19 in F-25 and Rawhide: * Fix checking of `SvUTF8` flag * Updated `perl-Test-CleanNamespaces` to 0.22 in F-25 and Rawhide: * Properly find the list of modules to test (regression since 0.19) ==== Local Packages ==== * Updated `perl-CPAN-Meta` to 2.150010, obsoleting the old `perl-Parse-CPAN-Meta` package: . Fixed: * `CPAN::Meta::Prereqs` now fully accepts phases and types starting with '`x_`'; new '`phases`' and '`types_in`' interfaces have been added * No longer relies on `JSON` backend for data structure cloning; this is much faster than using `JSON::PP` * The cloning routine would raise an error on expected types when it previously would stringify; the old behaviour is restored * Fixed used of `Encode` in `Parse::CPAN::Meta::load_json_string` (cherry picked from `Parse::CPAN::Meta` 1.4422) * Added "`use warnings`" to `Parse::CPAN::Meta` * The `YAML` and `JSON` backend variables are ignored when building/testing the perl core itself, where non-core backends are not yet installed . Tests: * The '`extra_mappings`' feature for meta merging is now tested and documented * During tests, delete new environment variables added by `Parse::CPAN::Meta` 1.4418 . Spec: * Clarifies acceptable values for booleans * Cleaned up text and links of historical specs * Updated `perl-Sub-Name` to 0.19 as per the Fedora version * Updated `perl-Test-CleanNamespaces` to 0.22 as per the Fedora version * Updated `perl-Test-Needs` to 0.002004: * Fix test counts when `Test2` not available * Updated `python-twisted` to 16.3.2 (Twisted Web bugfix; see [[https://raw.githubusercontent.com/twisted/twisted/twisted-16.3.2/NEWS|NEWS]] for details) * Updated `perl-Digest-MD4` (1.9) and `perl-Dist-CheckConflicts` (0.11) to build-require `perl-generators` for proper dependency generation ----