
Monday 24th October 2016

Fedora Project

  • Updated perl-MetaCPAN-Client to 1.028003 in F-25 and Rawhide:

    • Removed AutoPrereqs from dist.ini

  • Updated perl-Test2-Plugin-NoWarnings to 0.04 in F-25 and Rawhide:

    • Load Test2::Event::Warning in the plugin instead of relying on Test2 to do it for us; this should avoid the bug fixed in the previous version and eliminates the need for the INIT block, which caused its own problems

RPM Fusion Project

  • Updated get_iplayer (2.97) and lives (2.8.0) in F-25 and Rawhide to build-require perl-generators for proper dependency generation

Local Packages

  • Updated getmail to 4.52.0:

    • Add 'ignore_header_shrinkage' parameter to Filter_external for users who know it is normal for their particular filter to result in a smaller message header than the source message, for example when the filter encapsulates the original message in a simpler wrapper message

    • Experimental: When deleting a message from an IMAP mailbox, set the \Seen flag in addition to the the \Deleted flag; this apparently prevents the ever-innovatively-broken MS Exchange from sending a spurious incorrect disposition-notification message to the sender of the message

    • Enable socket timeouts for IMAP SSL classes by default; they were disabled in the code because they were incompatible with SSL in older versions of Python
  • Updated perl-MetaCPAN-Client to 1.028003 as per the Fedora version

  • Updated perl-Test2-Plugin-NoWarnings to 0.04 as per the Fedora version
