#acl PaulHowarth:read,write,admin,revert,delete All:read === Monday 14th November 2016 === ==== Fedora Project ==== * Updated `perl-Params-ValidationCompiler` to 0.18 in Rawhide: * Using coercions with positional parameters could cause a "Modification of a read-only value attempted" exception when the generated code tried to assign to elements of `@_`; this is now fixed by making a copy if any of the types have a coercion * Using `Moose` types with coercions in a positional params check would cause invalid code to be generated; this could also happen with `Type::Tiny` if either the type or a coercion could not be inlined ==== Local Packages ==== * New package `perl-Search-Elasticsearch-Client-2_0` (5.01) * Updated `perl-DateTime-Locale` to 1.11: * Switched from RT to the !GitHub issue tracker * Updated `perl-DateTime-TimeZone` to 2.08: * Switched from RT to the !GitHub issue tracker * Updated `perl-MetaCPAN-Client` (1.028003) to make it work with `Search::Elasticsearch` ≥ 5.00 (https://github.com/metacpan/metacpan-client/issues/55) * Updated `perl-Params-ValidationCompiler` to 0.18 as per the Fedora version * Built and pushed the previously-designed update of `perl-Search-Elasticsearch` to 5.01, which has a number of API changes over the previous 2.x version ----