#acl PaulHowarth:read,write,admin,revert,delete All:read === Wednesday 21st December 2016 === ==== Local Packages ==== * Updated `curl` to 7.52.0: * nss: Map `CURL_SSLVERSION_DEFAULT` to NSS default * vtls: Support TLS 1.3 via `CURL_SSLVERSION_TLSv1_3` * `curl`: Introduce the `--tlsv1.3` option to force TLS 1.3 * `curl`: Add `--retry-connrefused` * proxy: Support HTTPS proxy and SOCKS+HTTP(s) * Add `CURLINFO_SCHEME`, `CURLINFO_PROTOCOL`, and `%{scheme}` * `curl`: Add `--fail-early` * [[CVE:2016-9586|CVE-2016-9586]]: `printf` floating point buffer overflow * [[CVE:2016-9952|CVE-2016-9952]]: Win CE schannel cert wildcard matches too much * [[CVE:2016-9953|CVE-2016-9953]]: Win CE schannel cert name out of buffer read * msvc: Removed a straggling reference to `strequal.c` * winbuild: Remove `strcase.obj` from `curl` build * `examples`: Bugfixed `multi-uv.c` * `configure`: Verify that compiler groks `-Werror=partial-availability` * mbedtls: Fix build with mbedtls versions < 2.4.0 * dist: Add unit test `CMakeLists.txt` to the tarball * `curl -w`: Added more decimal digits to timing counters * easy: Initialize info variables on easy `init` and `duphandle` * cmake: Disable poll for macOS * http2: Don't send header fields prohibited by HTTP/2 spec * ssh: Check md5 fingerprints case insensitively (regression) * openssl: Initial TLS 1.3 adaptions * `curl_formadd.3`: `*_FILECONTENT` and `*_FILE` need the file to be kept * `printf`: Fix "`.*f`" handling * `examples/fileupload.c`: `fclose` the file as well * SPNEGO: Fix memory leak when authentication fails * `realloc`: Use `Curl_saferealloc` to avoid common mistakes * openssl: Make sure to fail in the unlikely event that PRNG seeding fails * URL-parser: For `file://[host]/` URLs, the `[host]` must be localhost * timeval: Prefer `time_t` to hold seconds instead of `long` * `Curl_rand`: Fixed and moved to `rand.c` * glob: Fix `[a-c]` globbing regression * darwinssl: Fix SSL client certificate not found on MacOS Sierra * `curl.1`: Clarify `--dump-header` only writes received headers * http2: Fix address sanitizer `memcpy` warning * http2: Use huge HTTP/2 windows * connects: Don't mix unix domain sockets with regular ones * url: Fix conn reuse for local ports and interfaces * x509: Limit ASN.1 structure sizes to 256K * `checksrc`: Add more checks * winbuild: Add config option `ENABLE_NGHTTP2` * http2: Check `nghttp2_session_set_local_window_size` exists * http2: Fix crashes when parent stream gets aborted * `CURLOPT_CONNECT_TO`: Skip non-matching "`connect-to`" entries * URL parser: Reject non-numerical port numbers * `CONNECT`: Reject `TE` or `CL` in 2xx responses * `CONNECT`: Read responses one byte at a time * `curl`: Support zero-length argument strings in config files * openssl: Don't use OpenSSL's `ERR_PACK` * `curl.1`: Generated with the new man page system * `curl_easy_recv`: Improve documentation and example program * `Curl_getconnectinfo`: Avoid checking if the connection is closed * `CIPHERS.md`: Attempt to document TLS cipher names * Updated `nmap` to 7.40 (see [[https://nmap.org/changelog.html#7.40|CHANGELOG]] for details) * Updated `perl-Module-CoreList` to 5.20161220: * Updated for v5.25.8 * Updated `perl-Term-Table` to 0.004: * Add `Term::Table::CellStack` to represent a vertically merged cell in a table ----