#acl PaulHowarth:read,write,admin,revert,delete All:read === Thursday 12th January 2017 === ==== Fedora Project ==== * Updated `perl-Math-BigInt` to 1.999808 in Rawhide: * In `Math::BigInt` and `Math::BigFloat`, add methods `bdfac()` for double factorial * In `Math::BigInt` and `Math::BigFloat`, add methods `to_hex()`, `to_oct()`, and `to_bin()` for hexadecimal, octal, and binary string output without prefix; even for `Math::BigFloat` there is still only support for integer output * Add tests for new methods in `Math::BigInt` and `Math::BigFloat` * Add test for `as_oct()` corresponding to the old tests for `as_hex()` and `as_bin()` * In `Math::BigInt::Lib`, add method `_dfac()` for double factorial, and corresponding tests * In `Math::BigInt::Lib`, fix bug in overloaded "`int`" * In `Math::BigInt::Lib`, implement much faster versions of `_from_hex()`, `_from_oct()`, and `_from_bin()` * In `Makefile.PL`, improve the wording in the message displayed if some of the installed backend libraries are not a subclass of `Math::BigInt::Lib` (and hence will not provide newer methods) * Fix minor bugs in some of the author library test files (`t/author-lib*.t`) * Allow leading and trailing whitespace in the input to `from_hex()`, `from_oct()`, and `from_bin()`, and add tests to verify; this is a regression ([[CPAN:119805|CPAN RT#119805]]) * Updated `perl-Math-BigInt-GMP` to 1.6003 in Rawhide: * Fix syntax for required version of `Math::BigInt::Lib` * Better checking of POD coverage * Sync test files with `Math-BigInt`-1.999808 ----