#acl PaulHowarth:read,write,admin,revert,delete All:read === Wednesday 25th January 2017 === ==== Fedora Project ==== * Updated `perl-DateTime-Format-Strptime` to 1.72 in Rawhide: * By default, the word boundary checks added in 1.69 are now off; you can enable them by passing "`strict => 1`" to the constructor ([[https://github.com/houseabsolute/DateTime-Format-Strptime/issues/15|GH#15]]) * Switched from `Params::Validate` to `Params::ValidationCompiler` * Require `DateTime::Locale` 1.05; this fixes some test failures seen on CPAN Testers * Require `DateTime::TimeZone` 2.09 because you should really update this on a regular basis * Require `Specio` 0.33 to fix other test failures seen on CPAN (I hope) * Updated `perl-Specio` to 0.33 in Rawhide: * Fixed a mistake in the `SYNOPSIS` for `Specio::Declare`; the example for the `*_isa_type` helpers was not correct * Removed the alpha warning from the docs; this is being used by enough of my modules on CPAN that I don't plan on doing any big breaking changes without a deprecation first ==== Local Packages ==== * Updated `perl-DateTime-Format-Strptime` to 1.72 as per the Fedora version * Updated `perl-Specio` to 0.33 as per the Fedora version ----