#acl PaulHowarth:read,write,admin,revert,delete All:read === Thursday 2nd March 2017 === ==== Fedora Project ==== * Updated `perl-MCE` to 1.818 in F-26 and Rawhide: * Updated `bin/mce_grep` for determining chunk level and chunk size * Fixed an issue for not seeing `STDERR` output with '`--chunk-level=file`' * Added support for `zgrep`, `zegrep`, and `zfgrep` * Replaced `Sereal` with `Sereal::Decoder` and `Sereal::Encoder` in `Makefile`, inside `recommends` section; ditto for `META` files * Refactored `MCE::Queue`: merged local and manager code base into one * Removed `t/04_norm_que_local.t` and `t/04_prio_que_local.t` * Added '`end`' method to `MCE::Queue` * Updated documentation on `dequeue` and `pending` * Updated `perl-MCE-Shared` to 1.814 in F-26 and Rawhide: * Fixed an issue in regards to deeply sharing an array or hash * Replaced `Sereal` with `Sereal::Decoder` and `Sereal::Encoder` in `Makefile`, inside `recommends` section; ditto for `META` files * Revised `limitations` section in documentation, in regards to not having `IO::FDPass`, e.g. `Condvar`, `Handle`, and `Queue` * Added '`end`' method to `MCE::Shared::Queue` * Updated documentation on `dequeue` and `pending` * Bumped `MCE` dependency to 1.818 * Rebuilt `perl-Object-InsideOut` (4.04) in Rawhide to get correct (`fc27`) dist tag * Updated `perl-Test-Simple` to 1.302078 in F-26 and Rawhide: * Fix crash when `TB->reset` used inside subtest * Fix [[https://github.com/Test-More/test-more/pull/762|#762]], newlines for `todo` subtest * Revisit [[https://github.com/Test-More/test-more/issues/637|#637]], fix rare race condition it created ==== Local Packages ==== * Updated `perl-DateTime-TimeZone` to 2.10: * This release is based on version 2017a of the Olson database * Contemporary changes for Mongolia and Chile * Updated `perl-MCE` to 1.818 and added the `tools` sub-package for `mce_grep` and variants as per the Fedora version * Updated `perl-MCE-Shared` to 1.814 as per the Fedora version * Updated `perl-Test-Simple` to 1.302078 as per the Fedora version * Updated `perl-Test2` to 1.302078 as per the `perl-Test-Simple` package ----