#acl PaulHowarth:read,write,admin,revert,delete All:read === Saturday 29th April 2017 === ==== Fedora Project ==== * Updated `perl-MCE` to 1.828 in F-26 and Rawhide: * Do not enable barrier mode for `Queue` on the Windows platform * Fixed `MCE::Mutex::Flock`, `tmp_file` missing script name in path * Added `Curses` and `Prima` to list for enabling the `posix_exit` option * Allow a hash as `input_data`: Core API, `MCE::{ Flow, Loop, Step }` * Improved API documentation on `MCE` models with more synopsis * Enhanced IPC and signal handling, reduced memory consumption * Make `tmp_dir` on demand in `MCE::Signal`; ditto for `sess_dir` in `MCE` * Load `Fcntl`, `File::Path`, `Symbol` on demand * Updated `perl-MCE-Shared` to 1.825 in F-26 and Rawhide: * Do not enable barrier mode for `Queue` on the Windows platform * Fixed `MCE::Hobo` on the Windows platform for older Perl < v5.16 * Added `Curses` and `Prima` to list for enabling the `posix_exit` option * Added `module` option for using a class implicitly when `tie`'ing a variable * Added `unbless` option when exporting a shared object * Improved support for running `MCE::Hobo` on the NetBSD platform * Enhanced IPC and signal handling, reduced memory consumption * Bumped `MCE` dependency to 1.828 ==== Local Packages ==== * Updated `curl` (7.54.0) not to require `nss-pem` for OpenSSL builds * Updated `perl-Data-UUID` (1.221) to drop support for EOL distributions prior to F-13 * Updated `perl-MCE` to 1.828 as per the Fedora version * Updated `perl-MCE-Shared` to 1.825 as per the Fedora version ----