#acl PaulHowarth:read,write,admin,revert,delete All:read === Monday 15th May 2017 === ==== Fedora Project ==== * Updated `perl-Sys-Hostname-Long` (1.5) in F-26 and Rawhide to add an explicit build/runtime dependency on `hostname` for situations where the network is unavailable ([[RedHatBugzilla:1450746|Bug #1450746]]) and to run `testall.pl` in `%check` ==== Local Packages ==== * Updated `perl-Array-Diff` (0.07) to fix building on Perl without '`.`' in `@INC` * Updated `perl-Ref-Util` to 0.203: * Fix space/tab issue in `Makefile` * Don't use `DynamicPrereqs` for unrelated `Makefile.PL` snippet * Use of the Pure-Perl implementation can now be forced at runtime by setting either `$Ref::Util::IMPLEMENTATION` or `$ENV{PERL_REF_UTIL_IMPLEMENTATION}` to "`XS`" * Fix `is_*_formatref()` error messages ([[https://github.com/p5pclub/ref-util/issues/38|GH#38]]) * Speed enhancements for `is_*_formatref()` on 5.8+ * Restore 5.6 and 5.8 compatibility * PP behaviour now matches XS for `\v1.2.3` and `\sub {}` * Updated documentation to reflect the PP/XS split * Updated `perl-Ref-Util-XS` to 0.116: * `Changes` rephrasing * Restore 5.6 compatibility * Replace docs with a link to `Ref::Util` * Updated `perl-Sys-Hostname-Long` (1.5) as per the Fedora version ----