#acl PaulHowarth:read,write,admin,revert,delete All:read === Thursday 1st June 2017 === ==== Local Packages ==== * Updated `dovecot` to * `quota_warning` scripts weren't working in v2.2.30 * `vpopmail` still wasn't compiling * Updated `perl-Module-CoreList` to 5.20170531: * Updated for v5.27.0 * Updated `perl-Type-Tiny` to 1.002000: . '''Back Compat''' * `RegexpRef` now accepts blessed objects if `$object->isa('Regexp')` returns `true` . '''Bug Fixes''' * Fix for `Type::Registry::DWIM` ([[CPAN:98458|CPAN RT#98458]]) * Fix issues with coercions and native attribute traits with some oldish versions of `Moose` on oldish versions of Perl ([[CPAN:98159|CPAN RT#98159]]) * Fix short-circuiting optimizations for parameterized `HashRef`, `ArrayRef`, `ScalarRef` and `Map` type constraints ([[CPAN:99312|CPAN RT#99312]]) * Inlined version of `Types::Standard::Int` should check that the value is not a reference * Attempting `ArrayRef[Int, Int]` or similar now throws an exception ([[CPAN:105299|CPAN RT#105299]]) * `02-api.t` should check version of `Moose` available ([[https://github.com/tobyink/p5-type-tiny/pull/20|GH#20]]) * `20-unit/Type-Utils/warnings.t` should check version of `Test::Warnings` ([[https://github.com/tobyink/p5-type-tiny/pull/21|GH#21]]) * Fix minor typos in documentation for `Types::Standard` ([[https://github.com/tobyink/p5-type-tiny/pull/30|GH#30]]) * Fix variable name typo in documentation for `Type::Params` ([[https://github.com/tobyink/p5-type-tiny/pull/37|GH#37]]) * Localize `$SIG{__DIE__}` in `Type::Registry` ([[CPAN:100780|CPAN RT#100780]]) * `Type::Params` should make sure `Type::Utils` is loaded before calling `english_list()` * Type constraints like `Tuple[Int]` shouldn't report they have a coercion if `Int` doesn't have a coercion * Fixed crazy amount of UTF-8 warnings from `Type::Params` on Perl 5.6.x and Perl 5.8.x ([[CPAN:101582|CPAN RT#101582]], [[https://github.com/tobyink/p5-type-tiny/pull/16|GH#16]]) * Fix `HashRef[Str]|Undef|Str` parsing on Perl < 5.14 ([[CPAN:121764|CPAN RT#121764]]) . '''Documentation''' * Updated `NEWS` file * Updated `TODO` file * Updates to `Type::Tiny::Manual::UsingWithMoose`, `Type::Tiny::Manual::UsingWithMoo` and `Type::Tiny::Manual::UsingWithMouse` * Comparison of `Type::Params` with new(ish) CPAN module `Params::ValidationCompiler` * Show example of how to set defaults for parameters with `Type::Params` * Rearrange the `examples` directory in the distribution * Include `page-numbers.pl` example . '''Test Suite''' * Make some of the test case `skip_all` bits more ambitious; test older versions of `Moose` and `Moo` than we were testing before * Fix annoying warning message in test suite with recent versions of `Exporter::Tiny` * Bundle a test case for [[https://github.com/tobyink/p5-type-tiny/issues/14|GH#14]] * `t/00-begin.t` will now work around ANDK's apparently broken XS testing environment . '''Other''' * Added: `Type::Params` now provides '`compile_named`' and '`validate_named`' functions, which do the same thing as '`compile`' and '`validate`' but are better for named arguments * Updated: If the shiny new core `Sub::Util` is available, use it instead of `Sub::Name` (the former is smaller) * Updated: Want `Type::Tiny::XS` 0.011 * '`Type::Utils::dwim_type`' now allows more control over fallback behaviours * Lazy-load `Text::Balanced` in `Type::Parser` (many parses don't even need it) * Lazy-load `Type::Tiny::Union` in `Type::Params` * Make `equals`/`is_a_type_of`/`is_subtype_of`/`is_supertype_of` in `Type::Tiny::Union` work more like `Moose::Meta::TypeConstraint::Union` * Improved error location reporting for `Moo` ([[https://github.com/tobyink/p5-type-tiny/pull/35|GH#35]]) * Updated: `NumericCode` now coerces from strings with whitespace in them, like `MooseX::Types::Common::Numeric` ([[https://github.com/tobyink/p5-type-tiny/pull/22|GH#22]]) * Allow `Type::Tiny`'s '`constraint`' parameter to be a string of Perl code * Added: `Type::Params`' '`multisig`' function now sets a variable '`${^TYPE_PARAMS_MULTISIG}`' to indicate which signature succeeded * Optimization of `Type::Params` positional parameter checking for simple cases with no slurpy parameter and no coercions * Optimizations for `Tuple` and `StrMatch` type constraints from `Types::Standard` * Added: Named parameter validation benchmarking script * Rewrite some benchmarking scripts to use `Benchmark::Featureset::ParamCheck` * Use `Ref::Util::XS` (if it's installed) to speed up certain type checks * Added: `Types::Standard` now has a `CycleTuple` type * `StrMatch` will use `Regexp::Util` (if available) to inline regular expressions more sensibly * Include trailing line break at the end of stringified version of some exceptions ----