#acl PaulHowarth:read,write,admin,revert,delete All:read === Thursday 13th July 2017 === ==== Fedora Project ==== * Updated `proftpd` (1.3.6) in Rawhide to fix a couple of SFTP-related bugs: * `mod_sftp` failed to check shadow password information when publickey authentication used ([[ProftpdBugzilla:4308|Upstream Bug#4308]]) * Use of '`AllowEmptyPasswords off`' broke SFTP/SCP logins ([[ProftpdBugzilla:4309|Upstream Bug#4309]]) ==== Local Packages ==== * Updated `perl-Moose` to 2.2006: * Passing roles as a mix of role names and role objects to `Moose::Meta::class->create_anon_class` could throw a bogus exception about '`Roles with parameters cannot be cached ...`' ([[https://github.com/moose/Moose/pull/117|GH#117]]) * Updated `perl-Test-MockModule` to 0.12: * Added the '`noop()`' function to make mocking noops easier ([[https://github.com/geofffranks/test-mockmodule/pull/16|GH#16]]) * Updated `proftpd` (1.3.6) to fix a couple of SFTP-related bugs as per the Fedora version ----