#acl PaulHowarth:read,write,admin,revert,delete All:read === Monday 17th July 2017 === ==== Local Packages ==== * New package `perl-Devel-CallChecker` (0.007) * New package `perl-DynaLoader-Functions` (0.002) * Updated `getmail` to 5.1: * New release numbering scheme; previous version numbers were just getting too high * Catch and ignore/exit cleanly after reset connection in `IMAP IDLE` mode * Allow specifying an expected SSL certificate hostname, for when the server's certificate does not match the domain name used to connect to it * Fix error message not actually giving the header field name incorrectly specified as containing the envelope recipient address * Add new `password_command` configuration parameter for retrievers, allowing `getmail` to retrieve the account password from any arbitrary external command * Updated `perl-Coro` to 6.513, also switching to upstream's version numbering: * Experimental 5.22 compatibility changes (`PadlistNAMES`) * Removed `attributes` example and made sure the other examples still work * Fix some `statevar` types for newer perls, should be of no consequence . I also added a patch to disable upstream's disabling of `FORTIFY_SOURCE` hardening * Updated `perl-Module-CoreList` to 5.20170715: * Updated for v5.24.2 * Updated for v5.22.4 * Updated `perl-Module-Runtime` to 0.015: * Update test suite not to rely on `.` in `@INC`, which is no longer necessarily there from Perl 5.25.7 * In documentation, warn about the security problem with `use_package_optimistically()` * Declare correct version for `Test::More` dependency * Generate "traditional" style of compatibility `Makefile.PL`, to permit building in environments that don't support `Build.PL` or `configure_requires` * Updated `perl-Net-DNS-Resolver-Programmable` to 0.006: * Don't demand 5.10, work on `perl` ≥ 5.6 * No taint mode flag in `t/01-basic.t` * Avoid problems with `our $VERSION = '...'` on one line * Updated `perl-Params-Classify` to 0.14: * Port to Perl 5.19.4, where the C type of array indices has changed * Update to accommodate `PERL_OP_PARENT` builds of Perl 5.21.11 or later (which is the default from Perl 5.25.1) * Trigger custom op generation via `Devel::CallChecker` rather than by hooking the underlying op checker * Update test suite not to rely on `.` in `@INC`, which is no longer necessarily there from Perl 5.25.7 * No longer include a `Makefile.PL` in the distribution * Correct `dynamic_config` setting to 0 * Use `boolSV()` where appropriate in XS code * Use `cBOOL()` where appropriate * Consistently use `THX_` prefix on internal function names * Include `META.json` in distribution * Add `MYMETA.json` to `.cvsignore` * Convert `.cvsignore` to `.gitignore` * Updated `perl-XML-LibXML` (2.0129) to fix use-after-`free` by controlling the arguments to a `replaceChild` call ([[CVE:2017-10672|CVE-2017-10672]], [[RedHatBugzilla:1470205|Bug #1470205]]) ----