#acl PaulHowarth:read,write,admin,revert,delete All:read === Wednesday 26th July 2017 === ==== Fedora Project ==== * Updated `perl-URI` to 1.72 in Rawhide: * Convert the dist to `Dist::Zilla` for authoring * Remove recommendation of `Business::ISBN` as `urn/isbn.pm` is deprecated * Use `Test::Needs` instead of raw `eval` in `urn-isbn.t` ==== Local Packages ==== * Updated `perl-Devel-CallChecker` to 0.008: * Update test suite not to rely on `.` in `@INC`, which is no longer necessarily there from Perl 5.25.7 * No longer include a `Makefile.PL` in the distribution * In documentation, use four-column indentation for all verbatim material * In `META.{yml,json}`, point to public bug tracker * Update op-munging code to the `PERL_OP_PARENT`-compatible style (though none of it is actually used on Perls new enough to support `PERL_OP_PARENT`) * In tests, revise `PERL_OP_PARENT` reserve definitions to simpler form, accommodating only Perl 5.21.11 or later * Consistently use `THX_` prefix on internal function names * Updated `unrar` to 5.50 beta 6 * Rebuilt `bluefish` (2.2.10), `check` (0.11.0), `curl` (7.54.1), `dovecot` (2.2.31), `GeoIP` (1.6.11), `GeoIP-GeoLite-data` (2017.07), `geoipupdate` (2.4.0), `gtkwave` (3.3.82), `Judy` (1.0.5) and `mod_fcgid` (2.3.9) in Rawhide for the FedoraProject:Fedora_27_Mass_Rebuild ----