#acl PaulHowarth:read,write,admin,revert,delete All:read === Thursday 3rd August 2017 === ==== Fedora Project ==== * Updated `perl-MCE` to 1.829, `perl-MCE-Shared` to 1.826 and `perl-IO-FDPass` to 1.2 in EPEL-7, bring this stack up to date with upstream, which has stabilized over the last couple of months * Updated `perl-Specio` to 0.39 in Rawhide: * Many bug fixes and improvements to the types created by `{any,object}_{can,does,isa}_type`; in some cases, an invalid value could cause an exception in type check itself, and in other cases, a value that failed a type check would cause an exception when generating a message describing the failure * The messages describing a failure for all of these types have been improved * You can now create anonymous `*_does` and `*_isa` types using the exports from `Specio::Declare` ==== Local Packages ==== * Updated `nmap` (7.60) to unbundle `zlib` * Updated `perl-IPC-System-Simple` (1.25) to fix random test failures with `Test::Simple` ≥ 1.302065 ([[https://github.com/pjf/ipc-system-simple/issues/21|GH#21]]) * Updated `perl-Specio` to 0.39 as per the Fedora version * Rebuilt `bluefish` (2.2.10), `c-ares` (1.13.0), `check` (0.11.0), `curl` (7.54.1), `dovecot` (2.2.31), `GeoIP` (1.6.11), `geoipupdate` (2.4.0), `gtkwave` (3.3.82), `Judy` (1.0.5), `libpng10` (1.0.67), `libssh2` (1.8.0), `mod_fcgid` (2.3.9), `proftpd` (1.3.6) for the FedoraProject:Fedora_27_Binutils_Mass_Rebuild ----