#acl PaulHowarth:read,write,admin,revert,delete All:read === Monday 7th August 2017 === ==== Fedora Project ==== * Updated `gtkwave` to 3.3.83 in Rawhide: * Preserve search type for regex search across reloads or close/reopens of regex search widget * Update local `libz` to current version * Updated `perl-Params-Classify` to 0.015 in F-26 and Rawhide: * Port to Perl 5.19.4, where the C type of array indices has changed * Update to accommodate `PERL_OP_PARENT` builds of Perl 5.21.11 or later (which is the default from Perl 5.25.1) * Trigger custom op generation via `Devel::CallChecker` rather than by hooking the underlying op checker * Update test suite not to rely on `.` in `@INC`, which is no longer necessarily there from Perl 5.25.7 * No longer include a `Makefile.PL` in the distribution * Correct `dynamic_config` setting to `0` * Use `boolSV()` where appropriate in XS code * Use `cBOOL()` where appropriate * Consistently use `THX_` prefix on internal function names * Include `META.json` in distribution * Add `MYMETA.json` to `.cvsignore` * Convert `.cvsignore` to `.gitignore` * Update for changed `S_croak_xs_usage()` prototype in `ExtUtils::ParseXS` 3.30, requiring the new version of that module in order to build the XS implementation * In documentation, use four-column indentation for all verbatim material * In `META.{yml,json}`, point to public bug tracker * Correctly classify `ExtUtils::ParseXS` dependency as a recommendation rather than a requirement * Avoid some compiler warnings ==== Local Packages ==== * Updated `gtkwave` to 3.3.83 as per the Fedora version * Rebuilt `perl-Devel-CallChecker` (0.008), `perl-Devel-Caller` (2.06), `perl-Devel-GlobalDestruction-XS` (0.03), `perl-Devel-Leak` (0.03), `perl-Devel-LexAlias` (0.05), `perl-Digest-MD4` (1.9), `perl-Digest-SHA` (5.96), `perl-Event` (1.26), `perl-Guard` (1.023), `perl-Hash-FieldHash` (0.15), `perl-Hash-StoredIterator` (0.008), `perl-IO-AIO` (4.34), `perl-IO-FDPass` (1.2), `perl-IO-Tty` (1.12), `perl-JSON-XS` (3.03), `perl-List-MoreUtils-XS` (0.418), `perl-MooseX-Role-WithOverloading` (0.17), `perl-Mouse` (2.4.10), `perl-Package-Anon` (0.05), `perl-Package-Stash-XS` (0.28), `perl-PadWalker` (2.2), `perl-Params-Validate` (1.29), `perl-Perl-Destruct-Level` (0.02), `perl-PerlIO-gzip` (0.20) and `perl-PerlIO-utf8_strict` (0.007) for the FedoraProject:Fedora_27_Binutils_Mass_Rebuild ----