#acl PaulHowarth:read,write,admin,revert,delete All:read === Thursday 10th August 2017 === ==== Fedora Project ==== * Updated `perl-Net-DNS-Resolver-Programmable` to 0.009 in Rawhide: * BIGPRESH taking over maintainership of this seemingly orphaned but very useful distribution * Avoid deprecated `make_query_packet()` call ([[CPAN:109266|CPAN RT#109266]]) * Remove `debian/` subdir ([[CPAN:108522|CPAN RT#108522]]) * Regenerate `README` via `pod2readme` * Fix version number in older changelog entry * Remove use of deprecated `qv()` * Import `rcode` list from `Net::DNS` ([[CPAN:96390|CPAN RT#96390]]) * Don't demand 5.10, work on `perl` ≥ 5.6 * No taint mode flag in `t/01-basic.t` * Avoid problems with `our $VERSION = '...'` on one line * Fix handling pre-prepared `::Packet` objects passed to `send()` * Additional tests * Add `Scalar::Util` to dependencies * Cleaner way to handle both arrays of strings and `Net::DNS::Packet` objects ([[CPAN:122542|CPAN RT#122542]]) * Extend tests to cover non-mocked queries too ==== Local Packages ==== * Updated `shorten` (3.6.1) to add a patch to remove lots of warnings with recent `gcc` versions * Rebuilt `davfs2` (1.5.4), `tzip` (1.12), `ud` (0.7.1) for the FedoraProject:Fedora_27_Binutils_Mass_Rebuild ----