#acl PaulHowarth:read,write,admin,revert,delete All:read === Monday 14th August 2017 === ==== Local Packages ==== * Updated `curl` to 7.55.1: * build: Fix '`make install`' with `configure`, install `docs/libcurl/*` too * `make install`: Add 8 missing man pages to the installation * `curl`: Do bounds check using a `double` comparison * dist: Add `dictserver.py`/`negtelnetserver.py` to release * `digest_sspi`: Don't reuse context if the user/passwd has changed * `gitignore`: Ignore top-level `.vs` folder * build: Check out `*.sln` files with Windows line endings * travis: Verify "`make install`" * dist: Fix the `cmake` build by shipping `cmake_uninstall.cmake.in` too * `metalink`: Fix error: `‘*’ in boolean context, suggest ‘&&’ instead` * `configure`: Use the threaded resolver back-end by default if possible * `mkhelp.pl`: Allow executing this script directly * `maketgz`: Remove old `*.dist` files before making the tarball * openssl: Remove `CONST_ASN1_BIT_STRING` * openssl: Fix "`error: this statement may fall through`" * proxy: Fix memory leak in case of invalid proxy server name * `curl/system.h`: Support more architectures (OpenRISC, ARC) * docs: Fix typos * `curl/system.h`: Add Oracle Solaris Studio * `CURLINFO_TOTAL_TIME`: Could wrongly return 4200 seconds * docs: `--connect-to` clarified * cmake: Allow user to override `CMAKE_DEBUG_POSTFIX` * travis: Test `cmake` build on tarball too * redirect: Make it handle absolute redirects to IDN names * `curl/system.h`: Fix for `gcc` on PowerPC * `curl --interface`: Fixed for IPV6 unique local addresses * `cmake`: threads detection improvements * Updated `perl-Net-DNS-Resolver-Programmable` to 0.009: * BIGPRESH taking over maintainership of this seemingly orphaned but very useful distribution * Avoid deprecated `make_query_packet()` call ([[CPAN:109266|CPAN RT#109266]]) * Remove `debian/` subdir ([[CPAN:108522|CPAN RT#108522]]) * Regenerate `README` via `pod2readme` * Fix version number in older changelog entry * Remove use of deprecated `qv()` * Import `rcode` list from `Net::DNS` ([[CPAN:96390|CPAN RT#96390]]) * Don't demand 5.10, work on `perl` ≥ 5.6 * No taint mode flag in `t/01-basic.t` * Avoid problems with `our $VERSION = '...'` on one line * Fix handling pre-prepared `::Packet` objects passed to `send()` * Additional tests * Add `Scalar::Util` to dependencies * Cleaner way to handle both arrays of strings and `Net::DNS::Packet` objects ([[CPAN:122542|CPAN RT#122542]]) * Extend tests to cover non-mocked queries too * Updated `perl-Net-Server` to 2.009: * Several long-awaited fixes * Log when a child exits abnormally ([[CPAN:86815|CPAN RT#86815]]) * Added delete-child hook * Add `cleanup_dead_child_hook` to !PreFork server * Removed stray `warn` * Use `File::Temp` instead of `POSIX::tmpnam` * UNIX `read_until` to allow for SSL under unix sockets * Updated `unrar` to 5.50 * Rebuilt `libgpg-error` (1.27), `libidn` (1.33), `libmetalink` (0.1.3), `libnet` (1.1.6), `pptp` (1.9.0) and `xz` (5.2.3) for the FedoraProject:Fedora_27_Binutils_Mass_Rebuild ----