#acl PaulHowarth:read,write,admin,revert,delete All:read === Thursday 4th January 2018 === ==== Fedora Project ==== * Updated `perl-MetaCPAN-Client` to 2.022000 in Rawhide: * Allow user-defined target classes in `ResultSet` * Added test for reverse dependencies * Switched `ref()` checks to `Ref::Util::is_ref` ==== Local Packages ==== * Updated `dovecot`: * Updated `dovecot` to 2.3.0: * Various setting changes, see https://wiki2.dovecot.org/Upgrading/2.3 * Logging rewrite started: Logging is now based on hierarchical events * Statistics rewrite started: Stats are now based on (log) events * `ssl_dh` setting replaces the old generated `ssl-parameters.dat` * IMAP: When `BINARY FETCH` finds a broken mail, send `[PARSE]` error instead of `[UNKNOWNCTE]` * Linux: core dumping via `PR_SET_DUMPABLE` is no longer enabled by default due to potential security reasons (found by cPanel Security Team) * Added support for SMTP submission proxy server, which includes support for `BURL` and `CHUNKING` extension * LMTP rewrite: Now supports `CHUNKING` extension and mixing of local/proxy recipients * auth: Support `libsodium` to add support for `ARGON2I` and `ARGON2ID` password schemes * auth: Support `BLF-CRYPT` password scheme in all platforms * auth: Added LUA scripting support for `passdb`/`userdb` (see https://wiki2.dovecot.org/AuthDatabase/Lua) * Input streams are more reliable now when there are errors or when the maximum buffer size is reached; previously in some situations this could have caused Dovecot to try to read already freed memory * Output streams weren't previously handling failures when writing a trailer at the end of the stream; this mainly affected `encrypt` and `zlib compress` ostreams, which could have silently written truncated files if the last write happened to fail (which shouldn't normally have ever happened) * `virtual` plugin: Fixed panic when fetching mails from virtual mailboxes with `IMAP BINARY` extension * `doveadm-server`: Fix potential hangs with SSL connections * `doveadm proxy`: Reading commands' output from v2.2.33+ servers could have caused the output to be corrupted or caused a crash * Many other smaller fixes * Updated `pigeonhole` to 0.5.0: * `editheader` extension: The implementation of header modifications is heavily updated; although the functionality has not changed, the underlying code was updated to address several static analysis warnings, runtime integer arithmetic warnings (Clang), and to match updates in the Dovecot stream API * `variables` extension: Made the maximum scope and variable size configurable * `subaddress`: Support multiple `recipient_delimiters` * `enotify` extension: `mailto` method: Fixed parsing of `mailto` URI with only a header part * `enotify` plugin: `mailto` method: Make sure the "`From:`" header is set to a usable address and not "`(null)`" * Fixed writing address headers to outgoing messages; sometimes headers were MIME-encoded twice, yielding invalid results * Updated `perl-MetaCPAN-Client` to 2.022000 as per the Fedora version ----