#acl PaulHowarth:read,write,admin,revert,delete All:read === Saturday 25th May 2019 === ==== Local Packages ==== * Updated `perl-Devel-StackTrace` to 2.04: * Add a partial workaround for "Bizarre copy" errors ([[https://github.com/houseabsolute/Devel-StackTrace/issues/11|GH#11]]) that come when attempting to look at arguments in the call stack; this is only a partial fix ([[https://github.com/houseabsolute/Devel-StackTrace/pull/21|GH#21]]) as there are cases that can lead to a `SEGV` - ultimately, this needs to be fixed in the Perl core ([[PerlRT:131046|Perl RT#131046]]) * Updated `perl-Module-CoreList` to 5.20190524: * Updated for v5.31.0 * Updated `perl-PPIx-Regexp` to 0.065: * Quash undef error in `__is_ppi_regexp_element()` when passed a `PPI::Token::Regexp::Transliterate` * Support proper version for `qr'\N{name}'` * Until 5.29.10 this construction failed to parse because it did not interpolate, but `PPIx::Regexp` blithely ignored this detail * As of 5.29.10, something like `m'\N{LATIN CAPITAL LETTER L}'` matches identically to m'L', so I implemented introduction as of that version * Have `explain()` recognize Unicode property wildcards ----