#acl PaulHowarth:read,write,admin,revert,delete All:read === Sunday 21st July 2019 === ==== Fedora Project ==== * Updated `perl-AnyEvent` to 7.16 in Rawhide: * Add `ffdhe` group dh parameters from RFC 7919, and use `ffdhe3072` as new default, instead of `schmorp1539` * `AnyEvent::Log` did not re-assess logging status of `AnyEvent::Log::loggers` when contexts were changed with `->attach`/`detach`/`slaves`, causing them not to log even though a recent attach should have caused them to log * Added some more logging configuration examples * Mention RFC 8482 in `AnyEvent::DNS` . I added a patch to use `schmorp2048` as default dh parameters if we don't have at least OpenSSL 1.0.2, which is needed for support of the `ffdhe` group dh parameters ([[CPAN:130116|CPAN RT#130116]]) ==== Local Packages ==== * Updated `perl-AnyEvent` to 7.16 as per the Fedora version * Updated `perl-Class-Inspector` to 1.36: * Fix bug in `methods` method that could cause it to modify `@ISA` ([[https://github.com/plicease/Class-Inspector/pull/11|GH#11]]) * Updated `perl-Coro` to 6.55: * `Coro::RWLock` woke up only one reader instead of all after a `wrlock` * Slightly improved documentation of `Coro::RWLock` and `RWLock` testcase * Quickly (re)-ported to minix 3.3 before minix crashed again ----