#acl PaulHowarth:read,write,admin,revert,delete All:read === Tuesday 13th August 2019 === ==== Fedora Project ==== * Updated `perl-Array-Compare` to 3.0.3 in Rawhide: * Added `NoSkip` method to clear `Skip` setting * Updated `perl-Mouse` to 2.5.7 in Rawhide: * Bump `Module::Build::XSUtil` prereq ([[https://github.com/xslate/p5-Mouse/issues/99|GH#99]]) ==== Local Packages ==== * Updated `perl-Array-Compare` to 3.0.3 as per the Fedora version * Updated `perl-DBD-SQLite` to 1.64: * Made sure an internal `hv` is initialized ([[https://github.com/DBD-SQLite/DBD-SQLite/issues/45|GH#45]]) * Fixed a number of tests to skip * Bumped up `Test::More` requirement * Replaced bundled `Test::NoWarnings` with `Test::FailWarnings` * Handle 'unknown' op in `DBD::SQLite::VirtualTable::PerlData` * Upgraded bundled `SQLite` to 3.29.0 * Let a URI filename test skip if `SQLite` is compiled with URI filename support ([[https://github.com/DBD-SQLite/DBD-SQLite/issues/47|GH#47]]) * Applied a patch to fix segmentation fault on 32-bit big-endian platforms ([[https://github.com/DBD-SQLite/DBD-SQLite/issues/45|GH#45]]) * Modified doc for `sqlite_db_filename`, which actually returns `undef` or an empty string ([[https://github.com/DBD-SQLite/DBD-SQLite/issues/50|GH#50]]) * Fixed `->quote($blob, SQL_BLOB)` to quote correctly ([[https://github.com/DBD-SQLite/DBD-SQLite/issues/51|GH#51]]) * Added `sqlite_get_autocommit` private method ([[https://github.com/DBD-SQLite/DBD-SQLite/issues/52|GH#52]]) * Addded new `db_config` constants, notably to prohibit double-quoted string literals * Updated `perl-Mouse` to 2.5.7 as per the Fedora version ----