#acl PaulHowarth:read,write,admin,revert,delete All:read === Thursday 28th November 2019 === ==== Fedora Project ==== * Imported and built `perl-XString` (0.002) for F-30, F-31, Rawhide and EPEL-8 * Updated `perl-Perl-Critic` to 1.136 in Rawhide: . New Features * The `ProhibitNoWarnings` policy now handles warnings in the `experimental::` group ([[https://github.com/Perl-Critic/Perl-Critic/pull/892|GH#892]]) . Documentation * Prevented some example code from showing up in '`perldoc`' ([[https://github.com/Perl-Critic/Perl-Critic/issues/799|GH#799]]) * Updated `perl-Specio` to 0.45 in Rawhide: * Made `XString` a prerequisite if installing with Perl 5.10+ * Cleaned up and rebuilt `perl-Crypt-SmbHash` (0.12) in Rawhide ==== Local Packages ==== * New packages `python2-mod_wsgi` (4.6.8) and `python2-xapian` (1.4.13) for `moin` support * Updated `perl-File-Slurp` to 9999.29: * Correct some documentation errors where copy-paste had us saying `File::Spec` rather than `File::Slurp` ([[CPAN:131097|CPAN RT#131097]]) * Reduce the size of the tests in `t/handle.t` to be nicer to CPAN Testers * Updated `perl-Perl-Critic` to 1.136 as per the Fedora version ----