#acl PaulHowarth:read,write,admin,revert,delete All:read === Friday 3rd January 2020 === ==== Local Packages ==== * Updated `perl-autodie` to 2.30: * Fix a boolean logic precedence error causing a "useless use of numeric" warning when using `kill` with a signal of `0` ([[https://github.com/pjf/autodie/pull/76|GH#76]]) * Fix a scoping issue with "`no autodie`" and the "`system`" sub ([[https://github.com/pjf/autodie/issues/69|GH#69]]) * Update code and documentation about smartmatch to match the current support in perl ([[https://github.com/pjf/autodie/pull/83|GH#83]]) * Fix a POD error and some unnecessary spaces that tripped POD parsers ([[https://github.com/pjf/autodie/pull/51|GH#51]] and [[https://github.com/pjf/autodie/pull/79|GH#79]]) * Document how to use `Import::Into` with `autodie` ([[https://github.com/pjf/autodie/issues/50|GH#50]]) * Clean up of `dzil.ini` removing some unnecessary test recommends ([[https://github.com/pjf/autodie/pull/78|GH#78]]) * Set `binmode` on some file handles to fix issues on Windows ([[https://github.com/pjf/autodie/pull/83|GH#83]]) * Travis: Also test with Perl 5.22, 5.24, 5.26 and 5.28 ----