#acl PaulHowarth:read,write,admin,revert,delete All:read === Thursday 30th January 2020 === ==== Fedora Project ==== * Updated `python-invoke` to 1.4.1 in Rawhide: * Explicitly strip out '`__pycache__`' (and for good measure, '`.py[co]`', which previously we only stripped from the '`tests/`' folder) in our '`MANIFEST.in`', since at least some earlier releases erroneously included such ([[https://github.com/pyinvoke/invoke/issues/586|GH#586]]) * Fix an issue with '`~invoke.run`' and friends having intermittent problems at exit time (symptom was typically about the exit code value being '`None`' instead of an integer; often with an exception trace) ([[https://github.com/pyinvoke/invoke/issues/660|GH#660]]) * Close pseudoterminals opened by the '`~invoke.runners.Local`' class during '`run(..., pty=True)`'; previously, these were only closed incidentally at process shutdown, causing file descriptor leakage in long-running processes ([[https://github.com/pyinvoke/invoke/issues/518|GH#518]]) * Cleaned up and rebuilt `perl-Env-Sanctify` (1.12) in Rawhide * Updated `perl-Software-License-CCpack` (1.11) in Rawhide not to run extra tests for EPEL builds ==== Local Packages ==== * Updated `perl-Test2-Suite` to 0.000128: * Import option to skip `utf8` import * Correct POD for `Test2/Tools/Mock.pm`'s `mocked()` method * Fix miscellaneous typos in `Test2(/Tools)/Mock.pm` POD * Add !GitHub actions * Fix PKG case for `Test2::Tools::Target` docs * Document target change in `V0` and `Bundle::Extended` * Allow hashref to be used for `Test2::Tools::Target` * Updated `perl-Type-Tiny` to 1.008004: * When possible, inject '`package Type::Tiny`' in generated inline code that has an appropriate lexical scope to insert it into; this will (mostly) avoid inline code mistakenly using overridden versions of `CORE::` functions * `to_TypeTiny` will now cowardly refuse to inline `Moose` types if they have anything in their inline environment * Updated `perl-Type-Tiny` to 1.008005: * Remove some Perl 5.012+ syntax from test suite * Rebuilt `c-ares` (1.15.0), `check` (0.14.0), `dovecot` (, `gtk+` (1.2.10), `imlib` (1.9.15), `libglade` (0.17), `libgpg-error` (1.36), `libidn` (1.35), `libxml` (1.8.17), `perl-MIME-Types` (2.17), `proftpd` (1.3.6b) and `rbldnsd` (0.998) for the FedoraProject:Fedora_32_Mass_Rebuild ----