#acl PaulHowarth:read,write,admin,revert,delete All:read === Saturday 29th August 2020 === ==== Fedora Project ==== * Updated `perl-File-LibMagic` to 1.23 in F-33 and Rawhide: * Fixed a bug with the `Makefile.PL` that caused every call to "`make`" to recompile the object file for the package's XS code ([[https://github.com/houseabsolute/File-LibMagic/issues/28|GH#28]]) ==== Local Packages ==== * Updated `perl-DateTime-Locale` to 1.28: * The `$locale->locale_data` method now returns a deep clone of the locale's data; this allows you to modify safely any elements of the returned hash without breaking the original locale ([[https://github.com/houseabsolute/DateTime-Locale/pull/26|GH#26]]) * We now support loading locale data from relative directories in `@INC` ([[https://github.com/houseabsolute/DateTime-Locale/pull/25|GH#25]]) * When loading locale data, we now check `$!` for read errors, as well as checking for an error `eval`'ing the file's contents in `$@` ([[https://github.com/houseabsolute/DateTime-Locale/pull/24|GH#24]]) ----