#acl PaulHowarth:read,write,admin,revert,delete All:read === Friday 6th November 2020 === ==== Fedora Project ==== * Updated `bluefish` to 2.2.12 in F-32, F-33 and Rawhide: * This is a minor maintenance release with some minor new features * Most important is a fix for a crash in simple search * Python 3 compatibility has been further improved * Encoding detection in python files has been improved * Triple click now selects the line * On Mac OSX, Bluefish deals better with the new permission features * Using the correct language in the Bluefish user interface is fixed for certain languages on OSX * Several programming languages have improved syntax highlighting * Bluefish now works fine with `Enchant2` for spell checking ==== Local Packages ==== * Updated `bluefish` to 2.2.12 as per the Fedora version ----