#acl PaulHowarth:read,write,admin,revert,delete All:read === Wednesday 17th February 2021 === ==== Fedora Project ==== * Updated `perl-Crypt-CBC` to 3.01 in F-34 and Rawhide: * Support for `openssl` SHA-256 key derivation algorithm * Add support for PBKDF2 key derivation algorithm * New dependencies: `Digest::SHA`, `Crypt::PBKDF2`, `Crypt::Cipher::AES` * Add support for OFB, CFB and CTR chain modes * New dependency: `Math::BigInt` * Added better argument checking * Fixed long-standing standard padding bug: plaintext ending with bytes between 0x00 and 0x0A would be truncated in some conditions * Fixed `Rijndael_compat` padding * Warn when the deprecated opensslv1 PBKDF (key derivation function) is used for encryption; turn off with `-nodeprecate=>1` or by choosing a different PBKDF, such as `-pbkdf=>'pbkdf2'` * Fix a regression when passing the legacy `-salt=>1` argument * Released version 3.01 in recognition of multiple new features and clean-ups * Built `perl-Crypt-PBKDF2` (0.161520) for F-33 and F-34 * Updated `perl-Test-Class` to 0.52 in F-34 and Rawhide: * Create `fail_if_returned_late` ([[https://github.com/szabgab/test-class/pull/23|GH#23]]) * Change bugtracker link to point !GitHub issues instead of RT * Remove some old and broken links * Test fix ([[https://github.com/szabgab/test-class/pull/32|GH#32]]) * Fix reporting caller information (file+line) when number of tests does not match * Use better class names in `t/runtests_return.t` * Fix documentation to be more accurate regarding support and author activity * Ensure metadata is processed as v2 * Remove unnecessary shebangs * `chmod ugo-x` ----