#acl PaulHowarth:read,write,admin,revert,delete All:read === Monday 21st June 2021 === ==== Fedora Project ==== * Updated `perl-Mixin-Linewise` to 0.109 in Rawhide: * Use "`-r`" test instead of "`-f`" test, to allow use on (say) named pipes * Update author information * Add perl support section to docs * Updated `perl-Sub-Exporter` to 0.988 in Rawhide: * Update author contact info * Add perl support section to docs * Cleaned up and rebuilt `perl-File-MMagic` (1.30) and `perl-XML-RSS-LibXML` (0.3105) in Rawhide, adding `glibc-gconv-extra` as a test requirement due to FedoraProject:Changes/Gconv_package_split_in_glibc ==== Local Packages ==== * Cleaned up and rebuilt `perl-File-MMagic` (1.30) as per the Fedora version * Updated `perl-Mixin-Linewise` to 0.109 as per the Fedora version; the new version uses syntax like this: . {{{ package Mixin::Linewise 0.109; }}} . instead of the older syntax: . {{{ package Mixin::Linewise; $Mixin::Linewise::VERSION = '0.108'; }}} . The RPM dependency generators prior to Fedora 21 and RHEL 8 do not understand this new syntax so I had to add manual provides for builds on older distributions * Updated `perl-Module-CoreList` to 5.20210620: * Updated for v5.35.1 * Updated `perl-Net-Telnet` to 3.05: * Fixed some documentation and pod command typos * Stopped using the deprecated variable `$[` in the autoflush idiom `select((select($fh), $|=1)[$[])` * Added a workaround for the "`require FileHandle`" bug in perl 5.10.1 * Fixed a bug in `new()` that caused the instantiation to fail when setting one of the `*_log` input args to an empty string * Improved the speed of `waitfor()` to search for the "match", especially when reading a large amount of data, by using the dynamic arrays `@-` and `@+` instead of `$`` and `$&` * Changed the logging subroutines to also accept a tied filehandle * Fixed new perl warning about argument isn't numeric in numeric ge (`>=`) * Updated `perl-Sub-Exporter` to 0.988 as per the Fedora version ----