#acl PaulHowarth:read,write,admin,revert,delete All:read === Tuesday 3rd August 2021 === ==== Fedora Project ==== * Merged [[https://src.fedoraproject.org/rpms/perl-Algorithm-C3/pull-request/1|PR#1 for perl-Algorithm-C3]] (Package tests) and built the package (version 0.11) in Rawhide * Updated `perl-Software-License` to 0.104001 in Rawhide: * Update the text of Artistic License 1.0 to match upstream source * When using Apache 2.0, replace year and copyright holder * Improve guessing at CC0 * Update author contact info * Documentation tweaks about non-core licenses and the use of `guess_license_from_pod` * Add "program" and "Program" arguments; this allows text generation like "CoolClient is license..." instead of "This software is..." ==== Local Packages ==== * Updated `perl-HTTP-Tiny` to 0.078: * Added a '`patch`' helper method for the HTTP '`PATCH`' verb * If the `REQUEST_METHOD` environment variable is set, then `CGI_HTTP_PROXY` replaces `HTTP_PROXY` * Unsupported scheme errors early without giving an uninitialized value warning first * Sends `Content-Length: 0` on empty body `PUT`/`POST`; this is not in the spec, but some servers require this * Allows optional status line reason, as clarified in RFC 7230 * Ignore `SIGPIPE` on reads as well as writes, as `IO::Socket::SSL` says that SSL reads can also send writes as a side effect * Check if a server has closed a connection before preserving it for reuse * Clarified documentation that exceptions/errors result in `599` status codes * Optional `IO::Socket::IP` prereq must be at least version 0.32 to be used; this ensures correct timeout support * Updated `perl-Software-License` to 0.104001 as per the Fedora version ----