#acl PaulHowarth:read,write,admin,revert,delete All:read === Friday 10th December 2021 === ==== Fedora Project ==== * Updated `perl-IO-Socket-INET6` to 2.73 in Rawhide: * Deprecate in favour of `IO::Socket::IP` * Branched and built `perl-Convert-BinHex` (1.125) for EPEL-9 * Branched and built `perl-CPAN-Changes` (0.400002) for EPEL-9 * Branched and built `perl-Data-Dumper-Names` (0.03) for EPEL-9 * Branched and built `perl-File-Find-Object-Rule` (0.0313) for EPEL-9 * Branched and built `perl-File-TreeCreate` (0.0.1) for EPEL-9 * Branched and built `perl-MIME-tools` (5.509) for EPEL-9 * Branched and built `perl-Test-Most` (0.37) for EPEL-9 * Branched and built `perl-Test-TrailingSpace` (0.0601) for EPEL-9 * Branched and built `perl-XML-SemanticDiff` (1.0007) for EPEL-9 ==== Local Packages ==== * Updated `perl-IO-Socket-INET6` to 2.73 as per the Fedora version * Updated `unrar` to 6.10 beta 3 ----