#acl PaulHowarth:read,write,admin,revert,delete All:read === Monday 13th December 2021 === ==== Fedora Project ==== * Updated `perl-Test-Synopsis` to 0.17 in Rawhide: * Mention related module `Test::Synopsis::Expectation` in docs ([[https://github.com/miyagawa/test-synopsis/issues/22|GH#22]]) * Branched and built `perl-Authen-Radius` (0.32) for EPEL-9 * Branched and built `perl-Cache-Cache` (1.08) for EPEL-9 * Branched and built `perl-Data-HexDump` (0.04) for EPEL-9 * Branched and built `perl-Env-Sanctify` (1.12) for EPEL-9 * Branched and built `perl-ExtUtils-Config` (0.008) for EPEL-9 * Branched and built `perl-ExtUtils-Helpers` (0.026) for EPEL-9 * Branched and built `perl-ExtUtils-InstallPaths` (0.012) for EPEL-9 * Branched and built `perl-Module-Build-Tiny` (0.039) for EPEL-9 * Branched and built `perl-Net-IP` (1.26) for EPEL-9 * Branched and built `perl-PerlIO-gzip` (0.20) for EPEL-9 * Branched and built `perl-Test-Regexp` (2017040101) for EPEL-9 * Branched and built `perl-Test-Synopsis` (0.17) for EPEL-9 * Branched and built `perl-Test-Valgrind` (1.19) for EPEL-9 ==== Local Packages ==== * Updated `perl-Test-Synopsis` to 0.17 as per the Fedora version ----