#acl PaulHowarth:read,write,admin,revert,delete All:read === Friday 18th March 2022 === ==== Fedora Project ==== * Built `perl-Net-DNS` (1.33) in F-36, main maintainer having already done it for F-34, F-35 and Rawhide * Rebuilt `polymake` (4.6) for `perl-5.34.1` in F-36 ==== Local Packages ==== * Updated `perl-PPIx-Regexp` to 0.083: * Correct and optimize the computation of logical column position (the one that takes account of tabs) * Updated `perl-Pod-Spell` (1.20) to work around package note files breaking `xt/release/dist-manifest.t` * Updated `perl-Test-Portability-Files` (0.10) to work around package note files breaking `t/release-dist-manifest.t` * Updated `perl-Text-Template` (1.60) work around package note files breaking `t/author-signature.t` ----