#acl PaulHowarth:read,write,admin,revert,delete All:read === Tuesday 12th April 2022 === ==== Fedora Project ==== * Updated `perl-Config-General` to 2.65 in Rawhide: * Copy '`default`' hash, avoid modifying it ([[CPAN:142095|CPAN RT#142095]]) * Catalyst subversion repository no longer exists, so code moved to !GitHub: https://github.com/TLINDEN/Config-General * Clarified license, which is now ''Artistic License 2.0'' ([[CPAN:132893|CPAN RT#132893]]) * Correctly include directories ([[CPAN:#139261|CPAN RT#139261]]) * Remove the comma from legal variable names, added mandatory start characters `a-zA-Z0-9` ([[CPAN:118746|CPAN RT#118746]]); added a section in the POD to clarify this * Fix `IfDefine` code ([[CPAN:119160|CPAN RT#119160]]) * Updated `perl-Math-Pari` to 2.030523 (see [[https://metacpan.org/release/ILYAZ/Math-Pari-2.030523/source/Changes#L1517|Changes]] for details) * Retired `perl-Crypt-RSA` from Rawhide . The `perl-Crypt-RSA` package was introduced in Fedora as part of the dependency chain for `perl-Net-SSH-Perl`. That package has since moved to using `perl-CryptX` instead so there is nothing left in Fedora that depends on `perl-Crypt-RSA`. . The last release of `Crypt-RSA` was in 2009. Dana Jacobsen created an alternative implementation (https://metacpan.org/dist/Alt-Crypt-RSA-BigInt) that avoided the need for `Math::Pari`, which would be a big win itself due to the difficulty in packaging that module, but that implementation doesn't look to have gained any traction. . I am therefore retiring the `perl-Crypt-RSA package`, along with some other packages that are only used as part of the dependency tree for `perl-Crypt-RSA`: * `perl-Crypt-Primes` * `perl-Crypt-Random` * `perl-Math-Pari` * `libpari23` ----