#acl PaulHowarth:read,write,admin,revert,delete All:read === Tuesday 26th April 2022 === ==== Fedora Project ==== * Took ownership of `mcrcon` and updated it to 0.7.2 in Rawhide * Set default address to `localhost` * Add `-w` option for `rcon` command throttling * Deprecate `-i` flag for invoking terminal mode * Add workaround to prevent server-side bug (https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-154617) * Quit gracefully when Ctrl-D or Ctrl+C is pressed * Remove "`exit`" and "`quit`" as quitting commands (these are actual `rcon` commands on some servers) * Suppress compiler warning (`strncpy`) * Fix erroneous string length in packet building function * Fix typo in ANSI escape sequence for LCYAN * Make `stdout` and `stderr` unbuffered * Updated `python-paramiko` to 2.10.4 in F-34, F-35, F-36 and Rawhide: * Update '`camelCase`' method calls against the '`threading`' module to be '`snake_case`'; this and related tweaks should fix some deprecation warnings under Python 3.10 ([[https://github.com/paramiko/paramiko/issues/1838|GH#1838]], [[https://github.com/paramiko/paramiko/pull/1870|GH#1870]], [[https://github.com/paramiko/paramiko/pull/2028|GH#2028]]) * '`~paramiko.pkey.PKey`' instances' '`__eq__`' did not have the usual safety guard in place to ensure they were being compared to another '`PKey`' object, causing occasional spurious '`BadHostKeyException`', among other things ([[https://github.com/paramiko/paramiko/pull/1964|GH#1964]], [[https://github.com/paramiko/paramiko/issues/2023|GH#2023]], [[https://github.com/paramiko/paramiko/pull/2024|GH#2024]]) * Servers offering certificate variants of hostkey algorithms (e.g. '`ssh-rsa-cert-v01@openssh.com`') could not have their host keys verified by Paramiko clients, as it only ever considered non-cert key types for that part of connection handshaking ([[https://github.com/paramiko/paramiko/issues/2035|GH#2035]]) ==== Local Packages ==== * Updated `mcrcon` (0.7.2) to use distribution `LDFLAGS` as well as `CFLAGS` ----