#acl PaulHowarth:read,write,admin,revert,delete All:read === Wednesday 14th December 2022 === ==== Local Packages ==== * Updated `perl-DateTime-TimeZone` to 2.57: * This release is based on version 2022g of the Olson database * Contemporary changes for Greenland and Mexico * Updated `perl-PPIx-Regexp` to 0.086: * Add `width()`, which returns the number of characters matched . Note that an indefinite upper boumd is represented as IEEE 754 Inf if that appears to be supported; otherwise by a singleton object overloaded to allow stringification, numification, and numeric tests * Use `width()` to enhance the detection of variable-width look-behinds * Serious clean-up on `accepts_perl()` subsystem * Rebuilt `perl-Test-Output` (1.033) using SPDX-format license tag ----