#acl PaulHowarth:read,write,admin,revert,delete All:read === Wednesday 19th April 2023 === ==== Fedora Project ==== * Updated `geoipupdate` to 5.0.4 in Rawhide: * The 5.0.0 release mistakenly set the file permissions on downloaded databases to 0600; this restores the previous behaviour of using 0644 ([[https://github.com/maxmind/geoipupdate/issues/217|GH#217]], [[https://github.com/maxmind/geoipupdate/pull/218|GH#218]]) * "Database ... up to date" messages are now only shown if the verbose flag is set ([[https://github.com/maxmind/geoipupdate/pull/219|GH#219]]) * Since version 5.0.0, the default database directory was not being correctly set for Debian and RPM package builds - the directory '`/usr/local/share/GeoIP`' was being used rather than '`/usr/share/GeoIP`'; this build restores '`/usr/share/GeoIP`' as the default directory for these builds ([[https://github.com/maxmind/geoipupdate/issues/222|GH#222]]) * Since version 4.9.0, the incorrect commit was tagged; this release attempts to fix the release process to prevent this issue * Updated `perl-Function-Parameters` to 2.002003 in Rawhide: * Fix line numbers after inlined type checks ([[https://github.com/mauke/Function-Parameters/issues/42|GH#42]]) . Previously, the code for type checks was inlined literally, so if a particular check took 5 lines of code, all the following line numbers in the source file would be off by 5 (they would be "pushed down" by the interpolated code); these bad line numbers would show up in error messages from Perl (including `warn` and `die`) as well as `__LINE__` and `caller` (and thus stack traces) * Updated `perl-Module-Build-Tiny` to 0.043 in Rawhide: * Restore manpage generation * Add `include/` to include paths * Compile all `.c` files in `src/` * Updated `perl-Sereal`, `perl-Sereal-Decoder` and `perl-Sereal-Encoder` to 5.004 in Rawhide: * Decoder fixes: fix thaw ordering for frozen objects - nested `THAW` operations now happen in the documented LIFO order ([[https://github.com/Sereal/Sereal/issues/283|GH#283]], [[https://github.com/Sereal/Sereal/pull/285|GH#285]]) ==== Local Packages ==== * Updated `geoipupdate` to 5.0.4 as per the Fedora version * Updated `java-1.8.0-oracle` to Java SE 8 Update 371 * Updated `perl-Function-Parameters` to 2.002003 as per the Fedora version * Updated `perl-Module-Build-Tiny` to 0.043 as per the Fedora version ----