#acl PaulHowarth:read,write,admin,revert,delete All:read === Thursday 20th July 2023 === ==== Fedora Project ==== * Updated `perl-Business-ISBN-Data` to 20230719.001 in Rawhide: * Data update for 2023-07-19 * Updated `geoipupdate` to 6.0.0 in Rawhide: * '`geoipupdate`' now supports configuration via environment variables: any configuration set this way will override any value from the config file, but still be overridden by any associated command line option (if any) * The following new environment variables are supported: * `GEOIPUPDATE_ACCOUNT_ID` * `GEOIPUPDATE_ACCOUNT_ID_FILE` * `GEOIPUPDATE_CONF_FILE` * `GEOIPUPDATE_DB_DIR` * `GEOIPUPDATE_EDITION_IDS` * `GEOIPUPDATE_HOST` * `GEOIPUPDATE_LICENSE_KEY` * `GEOIPUPDATE_LICENSE_KEY_FILE` * `GEOIPUPDATE_LOCK_FILE` * `GEOIPUPDATE_PARALLELISM` * `GEOIPUPDATE_PRESERVE_FILE_TIMES` * `GEOIPUPDATE_PROXY` * `GEOIPUPDATE_PROXY_USER_PASSWORD` * `GEOIPUPDATE_RETRY_FOR` * `GEOIPUPDATE_VERBOSE` * Changed the signature of '`NewConfig`' in '`pkg/geoipupdate`' to no longer accept a positional config file path argument, which can now be passed in using the option from '`WithConfigFile`' along with the other optional parameters * '`geoipupdate`' and '`NewConfig`' no longer require a config file to exist * The '`--stack-trace`' flag has been removed; this flag has been broken since 4.11.0 ==== Local Packages ==== * Updated `geoipupdate` to 6.0.0 as per the Fedora version * Updated `java-1.8.0-oracle` to Java SE 8 Update 381 * Updated `nmap` (7.93) to avoid use of deprecated patch syntax * Updated `unrar` to 6.23 beta 1 * Rebuilt `dovecot` (2.3.20), `grepmail` (5.3111), `gtkwave` (3.3.115), `libgpg-error` (1.47), `libidn` (1.41), `libmetalink` (0.1.3), `libnet` (1.2), `libssh2` (1.11.0), `libxml2` (2.10.4), `libxslt` (1.1.38), `mcrcon` (0.7.2), and `proftpd` (1.3.8) for the [[FedoraProject:Fedora_39_Mass_Rebuild]] ----