Using mod_fcgid in Fedora ========================= This mod_fcgid package includes a configuration file /etc/httpd/conf.d/fcgid.conf that ensures that the module is loaded and added as the handler for .fcg, .fcgi, and .fpl applications (provided mod_fastcgi in not already loaded, in which case you will need to decide which module should handle which types of application). So far the module package has only been tested in conjunction with the "moin" wiki application. Further feedback regarding other applications is welcome. Setting up moin with mod_fcgid ============================== Setting up moin with mod_fcgid is very similar to setting it up as a regular CGI application. * Create a directory for your wiki instance: DESTDIR=/var/www/mywiki mkdir -p $DESTDIR/cgi-bin * Copy in the wiki template data and the application itself: cp -a /usr/share/moin/{data,underlay} $DESTDIR cp -a /usr/share/moin/server/moin.fcg $DESTDIR/cgi-bin cp -a /usr/share/moin/config/ $DESTDIR/cgi-bin * Fix the directory ownership chown -R apache:apache $DESTDIR/{data,underlay} * Edit $DESTDIR/cgi-bin/ to suit your needs * Create a httpd configuration file for the wiki, e.g. /etc/httpd/conf.d/mywiki.conf # Wiki application data common to all wiki instances Alias /wiki/ "/usr/share/moin/htdocs/" Options Indexes FollowSymLinks AllowOverride None Order allow,deny Allow from all # Wiki instance with mod_fcgid ScriptAlias /mywiki "/var/www/mywiki/cgi-bin/moin.fcg" Options Indexes FollowSymLinks ExecCGI AllowOverride None Order allow,deny Allow from all * If you are using SELinux with Fedora Core 5 or later, install the mod_fcgid-selinux package and see the README.SELinux file in that package for details of the file contexts to use * Restart the web server to load the new configuration: service httpd restart That should do it! mod_fcgid with SELinux ====================== Versions of this package built for Fedora Core 5 or later include an SELinux policy module to support FastCGI applications. Again, this has only been tested with moin, so feedback from other applications is welcome. The intention is for this module to be included in the SELinux reference policy eventually. The module source (fastcgi.{fc,te}) is included for reference as documentation in the package. The module introduces a new set of SELinux types for FastCGI applications, comparable with the types described in "man httpd_selinux" for regular CGI scripts (or "system scripts" as they are known in SELinux): * httpd_fastcgi_content_t (equivalent to httpd_sys_content_t) - Set files with httpd_fastcgi_content_t for content that is available from all FastCGI scripts and the daemon. * httpd_fastcgi_script_exec_t (equivalent to httpd_sys_script_exec_t) - Set FastCGI scripts with httpd_fastcgi_script_exec_t to allow them to run with access to all fastcgi types. * httpd_fastcgi_script_ro_t (equivalent to httpd_sys_script_ro_t) - Set files with httpd_fastcgi_script_ro_t if you want httpd_fastcgi_script_exec_t scripts to read the data, and disallow other non-fastcgi scripts from access. * httpd_fastcgi_script_rw_t (equivalent to httpd_sys_script_rw_t) - Set files with httpd_fastcgi_script_rw_t if you want httpd_fastcgi_script_exec_t scripts to read/write the data, and disallow other non-fastcgi scripts from access. * httpd_fastcgi_script_ra_t (equivalent to httpd_sys_script_ra_t) - Set files with httpd_fastcgi_script_ra_t if you want httpd_fastcgi_script_exec_t scripts to read/append to the file, and disallow other non-fastcgi scripts from access. So for the moin wiki layout described above, the contexts would be set as follows: cd /var/www/mywiki chcon -t httpd_fastcgi_content_t . chcon -R -t httpd_fastcgi_script_exec_t cgi-bin chcon -R -t httpd_fastcgi_script_rw_t data underlay It is necessary to turn on the httpd_enable_cgi boolean to run either regular or FastCGI scripts: setsebool -P httpd_enable_cgi 1 If the httpd_unified boolean is set, "sys" and "fastcgi" scripts can access each other's data. This means that you only need to set the actual FastCGI scripts themselves to httpd_fastcgi_script_exec_t and can leave the file contexts for everything else set to the "sys" types if you prefer. This is useful if you have a mixture of CGI and FastCGI applications accessing the same data. If you have any questions or issues regarding FastCGI and SELinux, please don't hesitate to bring them up on fedora-selinux-list.