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Saturday 14th January 2006

The Derby

Third win in four home derbies since we returned to the Premiership :-) Didn't notice any Munich chants other than a couple of muttered "Munich"s from some plonker a few rows behind me. Thought United were very poor, though obviously I wasn't too upset about that. Only Rooney really looked the part for them. Angelina Ballerina's sending-off was a bit harsh but I think they actually played better without him. For us, I thought Trevor Sinclair had a great game, and if he keeps up this month's form to the end of the season, he'll be in with a shout of usurping SWP from the England squad. In midfield, Stephen Ireland played well but Joey had a nightmare with his passing. As for the atmosphere, much better than last season; not surprising given the way the game went, but perhaps Sir Alex's comments got some people fired up too?

The nice chap that bought the ticket I acquired for my brother-in-law had a bet on Trevor Sinclair to score the first goal at 20/1, so he was very happy too.
