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You can upload content for the page named below. If you change the page name, you can also upload content for another page. If the page name is empty, we derive the page name from the file name.

File to load page content from
Page name


Monday 3rd April 2006

Firewall Box

Borrowed a disk from a work machine and did a fresh install of Fedora Core 5 on. Installed the disk in the firewall box and it booted just fine. So the old system has some configuration issue that was causing the problem. Unfortunately I can't tell what it was and I can't spare the time to diagnose it. So instead I've migrated most of the old applications acrosss to what is effectively a new box. This would have been much easier had I not accidentally deleted most of /home whilst moving the data across.

Anyway, issues that cropped up:

  • bacula seems to have forgotten about most of the files in the last full dump I did at the start of September last year, and hence didn't restore them. That's my own fault for assuming it works like Legato NetWorker and wouldn't prune data from the database until there was fresh data. I'll be doing a full dump every three months or so to prevent a recurrence of this. I recovered the data using bextract instead.

  • openldap has a new Berkeley DB version built in, and won't read the nld one. Didn't see that in the release notes. Got the data back by copying /var/lib/ldap back to a spare FC4 box and using slapcat to extract it into an LDIF file, which I could then import back in to FC5.
