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Thursday 7th June 2007

Local Packages

  • Updated getmail to 4.7.5

  • Updated perl-IO-Socket-SSL to 1.07

I also had a hack at the repoclosure script from yum-utils so that I could check the repositories for each distribution much more quickly. The standard repoclosure script checks all of the packages in all of the enabled repositories to make sure that their dependencies can be satisfied. My repositories are small relative to the main distribution repositories, and the majority of the time it takes repoclosure to run is spent checking the main distribution repositories for dependency closure against themselves (and very often finds problems with them too). The problem is even worse on x86_64 with all of the multilib crap increasing the number of packages in the repos. However, I'm only actually interested in broken dependencies for packages in my own repositories, so most of the time spent by repoclosure is wasted for me.

My hack adds another option, --checkrepo, which works like the existing --repoid option, which specifies a repository that I'm interested in checking. Any other enabled repositories from the configuration file are used only to satisfy the dependencies and the packages there don't get their own dependencies checked. I'm seeing an order of magnitude improvement in checking times now, which is nice. Unfortunately my knowledge of python is very limited and hence it's a very horrible hack to get this working, and an unpleasant side effect is that I'm getting two copies of every logged message (i.e. every line of output) because I've now got two instances of the RepoClosure class rather than one. I can get rid of those using awk but I'd much rather find a cleaner solution. Must actually learn python someday.
