Upload page content

You can upload content for the page named below. If you change the page name, you can also upload content for another page. If the page name is empty, we derive the page name from the file name.

File to load page content from
Page name


Tuesday 9th October 2007

Fedora Project

  • Built smbldap-tools for EPEL-4 and EPEL-5 at the request of SimoSorce, the current samba maintainer; the samba package has bundled a version of smbldap-tools as documentation for a very long time, and building the package separately for Enterprise Linux as well as Fedora is a much cleaner approach

Sky Plus

Ordered a Sky+ upgrade this morning, to replace the existing Sky box in the living room. I'd have done it earlier but the £10-a-month additional subscription put me off. Now that that's gone (as long as you have any Sky package), there's no reason not to go for the upgrade, especially as the box itself is now available for £99 (plus a £30 installation fee for the additional feed needed from the dish).

In combination with my Sony RDR-HXD860 DVD recorder, I can now digitally record up to three channels at the same time, which is handy when the programmers put good shows up against each other.
