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Monday 21st January 2008

Local Packages

  • Updated perl-BerkeleyDB to 0.33

This proved to be troublesome to build on older distributions such as Fedora Core 2 and older, and CentOS 3 (i386). There seemed to be lots of problems with mutexes though strangely the x86_64 version for CentOS 3 was OK. Looking through the README file included in the upstream distribution suggested that Red Hat's packaging was a problem, and included a reference to Bug #91933. Following the trail, it appeared to be an issue with the i386 version of glibc on those distributions. Looking at the root.log file produced by mock for these builds, I could see that the i386 version of glibc was indeed being pulled in, as opposed to say the i586, i686, or athlon versions. So, I tried adding the following to the yum configuration for mock for the problematic releases:

# We don't want the i386 glibc because it doesn't support NTPL threads properly
# and causes build failures for perl-BerkeleyDB

This resulted in i586, i686, or athlon versions of glibc being installed into the buildroot by mock, and the build problems went away :-)

Fedora Project

  • Updated bluefish in Fedora 8 and Rawhide to include upstream patch for Bug #390871 (Unable to change syntax highlighting in Bluefish)
