Upload page content

You can upload content for the page named below. If you change the page name, you can also upload content for another page. If the page name is empty, we derive the page name from the file name.

File to load page content from
Page name


Wednesday 13th February 2008

Fedora Project

  • Started my bit of the GCC 4.3 Mass Rebuild process by rebuilding pptp, ORBit, libxml, libpng10, imlib, gnome-libs, and libglade`

I decided to use chain-build for the Gnome 1 stack so that each layer of the stack would be built on the newly-built versions of the layers below. This involved bumping the release numbers in the spec for all of the packages, committing and tagging the changes, then doing one big build for libglade:

$ make chain-build CHAIN='libxml libpng10 imlib ORBit : gnome-libs :'

{i} The ORBit, libxml, libpng10, and imlib packages have no interdependencies, gnome-libs requires ORBit, libpng10, and imlib, and libglade requires gnome-libs and libxml

  • Updated rbldnsd to LSB-ize the initscript (as requested in Bug #247043) and to get it to build on Rawhide - the build script's code assumes that the NI_MAXHOST symbol is available anywhere the IPV6 is supported, and that's not currently true on Rawhide unless the _GNU_SOURCE symbol is defined.

As it happens, a spot of additional testing I did just before I was about to close the bug revealed that the exit code for the initscript's stop action was wrong, so I'll need to fix and rebuild again.
