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Friday 22nd August 2008

Local Packages

  • Rebuilt curl to add a note in the description for libcurl that, unlike the Fedora libcurl packages, mine doesn't include (built from the sources) as upstream does not agree with Debian and Fedora's assertions that the two library versions have the same ABI

  • Rebuilt curl again to remove the just-added note since the bogus library has been removed in the Fedora package today (not because it was the wrong thing to do but because the Adobe Flash 10 player will now dlopen() either or rather than requiring a specific one of them)

  • Rebuilt nmap, updating the license tag to clarify that the package as a whole is GPL (version 2 only)

Fedora Project

Some of the systems are slowly coming back online after the intrusion.

  • With koji back I was able to build the Fedora 8 update for bittorrent, committed to CVS last week

  • With bodhi back I was able to create updates for the Fedora 8 and Fedora 9 bittorrent builds

  • With CVS back (I somehow got blocked by denyhosts, not sure how that happened), I was able to update gtkwave to 3.1.13 and libpng10 to 1.0.39 (both in Rawhide)

Signature Spammer

One of the most prolific spammers as far as attempts to send their crap to me is concerned appears to be "signing" their messages. The "From" addresses, though obviously made-up, fit a pattern of (or more recently, other top-level domains as well as .com). This makes the messages very easy to reject with a simple milter-regex rule:

reject "Thank you for signing your spam"
envfrom /^<dw(.*)m@\1\.[a-z]+>$/e
