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Tuesday 14th April 2009

Fedora Project

  • Issued an update for smbldap-tools that fixes a race condition that may cause nscd to be killed if multiple smbldap-tools processes are run in parallel (Bug #476504) and also fixes some incorrect dependencies. I'd originally tried to do this over a week ago but the Fedora 10 build failed due to the builder trying to upgrade openssl.i586 to openssl.i686. I raised Infrastructure ticket #1272 about this but there's been no response so far.

Local Packages

  • Updated gtkwave to 3.2.1

  • Updated perl-File-Find-Rule-Perl to 1.06

New ADSL Router

I bought a SpeedTouch 546v6 router to replace my ancient SpeedTouch Pro router that won't support ADSL2+ as I'll be going on PlusNet's 21CN trial soon.

After doing the standard "easy" setup to change the LAN address to suit my home network, I needed to configure the router to do PPTP-to-PPPoA bridging so that I could do the authentication from my Linux firewall/router box and, more importantly, have the WAN IP address on a local interface on that box. Whilst this could be configured using the GUI on the SpeedTouch Pro, the CLI is required on the SpeedTouch 546v6. Setup was as follows, using telnet to log in to the router.

Firstly, clear the standard configuration out of the way:

:ppp relay flush
:eth flush
:ppp flush
:atm flush

Then create a suitable phonebook entry for a UK ADSL connection (VPI 0, VCI 38) and enable the PPTP service:

:atm phonebook add name=ADSL_PlusNet addr=0.38
:service system modify name=PPTP state=enabled

On the Linux box, I used my existing configuration based on my pptp-plusnet package, and just changed the PPTP server's IP address to that of the new router, restarted the plusnet service and it all sprang into life.
