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Thursday 25th June 2009

Local Packages

  • Updated dovecot to 1.2.rc6

  • Updated nmap to 4.90RC1

  • Updated proftpd to build against the system libcap library rather than the (old) version bundled with the source; this fixes the cause of the following message appearing when the server starts up:

  • kernel: warning: `proftpd' uses 32-bit capabilities (legacy support in use)

Fedora Project

I looked to see if anyone else had reported the proftpd issue and found Bug #506735, which was related to capabilities but was actually a problem I'd found a fix for two years ago and had never gotten round to submitting the patch upstream. I commented in the bug and asked MatthiasSaou if he'd mind if I became co-maintainer and fixed the problem myself, and he didn't mind at all. So I'm now co-maintainer of proftpd in Fedora.
