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Wednesday 12th August 2009

Fedora Project

Whilst browsing through LWN, I came across a Red Hat Security Alert on libxml and libxml2 (for RHEL), which was interesting because I hadn't seen any bug reports for libxml. I downloaded the RHEL-3 source package and found that it contained two patches for libxml 1.8.17 (the last release of libxml version 1), neither of which were in the Fedora version, which addressed:

Needless to say I updated the libxml packages in Fedora 10, 11, and Rawhide and submitted updates pronto!

Local Packages

  • Updated libxml as per Fedora above

  • Updated libxml2 for the CVE-2009-2414 and CVE-2009-2416 vulnerabilities as per Fedora

  • Updated tzip to fix some compiler warnings
