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Friday 18th September 2009

Fedora Project

  • Updated perl-File-Comments to manually add runtime dependencies on perl(HTML::TreeBuilder), perl(Module::Pluggable), perl(Pod::Parser) and perl(PPI) not picked up automatically by RPM; I discovered the missing perl(PPI) dependency after removing perl(Critic) as a buildreq from perl-Math-GMP due to some test rationalization in that package and found that the spell check test failed (perl(PPI) was being pulled in by perl(Critic) previously), so I then looked through the File::Comments distribution to do a more thorough check for runtime dependencies

  • Updated perl-Math-GMP to 2.06 (addresses minor issues CPAN RT#46323 and CPAN RT#46324); the release tests are all now enabled/disabled with the same environment variable instead of having their own variables, so I had to remove perl(Critic) as a build requirement (the Critic test fails) and change it to a build conflict since I couldn't disable it without disabling the other release tests; same goes for perl(Test::Pod::Coverage)

Local Packages

  • Updated curl to use upstream's latest patch for the polling issue and run the test suite in verbose mode, as per Rawhide
